Saima Gul

There’s one thing Samina is certain about—she is not going to be a housemaid like her mother and older sister. Second of six, three brothers and three sisters, she joined DIL Paradise School when it opened in 2001. She attends school regularly even though she lives in the mountains more than one kilometer away from the school. Since her father, a mason, mother and older sister have long working hours; she takes care of her younger siblings in their absence. She is especially proud of the fact that she persuaded her parents to enroll her younger siblings, who now also attend DIL Paradise School. She works with them every evening so that they can excel at their studies. Having a passion for art she would like to become an artist someday.

Unfortunately, her parents are going through a very rough spell as their home was recently robbed of all its contents. They had very little to start out with but the incidence has left them completely impoverished. She wonders how long she can dissuade her father from pulling her out of school to join her mother and sister in helping earn the much needed income for the family.


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